
Picture it: Ottawa, June 2000.

On this warm, sunny day, I finally achieve what a lot of parents dream of for their kids – graduating from university with a degree.

I’d started an internship a month earlier, kick-starting  my budding career.

Funny then, while waiting on the convocation lawn with my classmates, a little voice inside me decides at that  juncture to ask:

What the hell do I do NOW?”

Fast forward to the present.

I still work in my field, in a medium I swore I’d never take up. I generally like who I work for, and with. I just don’t like my actual job.

I started this blog five years ago as a possible way out of my never-ending rut.

So. Why another blog about some stranger’s life?


(1) Writing is the one thing – apart from travelling – that excites me.

(2) I’ve heard that a basic rule to becoming a writer is writing what you know. Outside of my trips abroad, it’s not terribly exciting. But believe me – I try. (Oh God, how I try.)

(3) To be more than a mediocre scribbler, one must scribble – lots. So I try to write about anything and everything in my neurotic little life.

You’ve heard that theory about the infinite number of monkeys that, if sitting at an infinite number of typewriters, typing at random for an infinite amount of time, could eventually clack out a literary masterpiece?

Well, I’m no monkey. And I don’t have access to a lot of time or many keyboards.

But I’m clackin’ away. And perhaps one day, I can transform my random foolishness into stuff worth reading.

Here goes nothin’.

All photos are taken are by me or by friends. DO NOT USE for commercial use.
Photos and images that are not mine are given a courtesy.
Please DO NOT USE my personal photos without at least asking. If you do, please courtesy. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Diane,

    I just spent part of the last hour poring over your blog and I love it! I’m pretty frustrated with mine so any tips would be appreciated. I am starting a travel/photo-blog called I Forgot the Directions in May so any help would be appreciated. haven’t seen you in the halls lately, hope your April is shaping up well!

    Suz Archibald (via Facebook)

  2. schwartztronica says:

    Hey Diane,

    I just discovered your blog and really dig it!

    By the way, you’re definitely right: write what you know, and write a friggin’ ton of it. 😉


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